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5 Use Cases for AI on the IT Service Desk

AI is certainly not a tomorrow thing or something to only consider a few years down the line.

Immediate efficiencies are possible today – with technology working in collaboration with flesh and blood support agents to deliver a faster, more complete, service experience.

While B2C application / adoption of AI-enabled bot technology is growing faster that “internal enterprise support”, the reality is that there’s plenty of overlap between customers requesting help, information and services, and company end-user interactions with their IT help desk.

In this article, Stephen Mann discusses:

Five ways in which AI can be applied on the IT service desk.

  1. Maximise existing people resource: Correctly applied, AI technology can help predict future resource requirements based on help-desk query patterns. This enables companies to find the right mix of human/bot capabilities to effectively and efficiently service end-users.
    In addition, AI can potentially deliver better quality results when certain knowledge is requested that the service desk agent does not know of the top of their head.
  2. Improve IT support decision making: This could be something as “low level” as the automated routing and workflow of new issues, based on the AI understanding the meaning and context of the issue, past successes (with similar issues), and the availability of different support resources.
  3. Supercharging IT self-service: Staring with obvious elements such as intelligent search, where the meaning and context, plus the learning from previous search successes, can be employed to offer more accurate search results.
  4. Proactively improving services: An example is the use of “predictive analytics” to help identify common IT issues or high-impact issues of the future – allowing the company to adequately prepare for that outcome.
  5. Improving customer experience: Goes without saying that bot/human collaboration allows for faster and better help desk solutions.

We invite you to read the full article, here.

How Bot Republic helps you prepare for the rise of chatbot technology.

Bot Republic does not compete with Live Chat solutions – we use “chat” as a channel to understand user interactions which we then measure, analyse and optimise in order to help develop a roadmap that makes sense for you and your business.

Ours is a pragmatic, step-by-step and consultative approach to automation.

We invite you to get in touch to understand more around our process and how Bot Republic can help establish a viable business case for your company.

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